It's the return of the gummy army!
So yes, it seems like getting a blog is THE thing to do now. I'm just getting one because all the cool kids have one and I don't want to be the odd one out on the playground.
Let me introduce you to the gummy army:
The gummy army is the result of an underground movement desiring change. The gummies were first assembled last year and the army quickly grew to an impressive size and daily it received new recruitments, and daily more people wanted to be a part of it. However the plan to invade Candyland on October 31st was too hasty and too ambitious. The gummies were not ready or prepared. Their weapons were archaic and the troops themselves were not disciplined enough. I quickly realized the foolhardiness of the invasion when the gummies abandoned me to participate in Hallowe'en. Precisely on the day when Candyland would be left unguarded for the most part, the day when it would have been most successful to invade, my gummies joined in with the other candies - the very candies that had previously opressed them - and foolishly convinced themselves that they were friends. It was not pretty. Even now it pains me to think of the losses that we endured. But the gummies have been training diligently, strengthening their bodies and their minds, and in time they will be ready to tackle the inhabitants of Candyland once more. At the moment they have been placed in winter quarters, the gummies are not used to the bitter cold. Soon preparations will be made...
Beware the gummy army...
OMG!!! j'adore the gummy army! i hope to see more of the maneuvers and such. and um...let me know how to spell maneuvers properly, when you get a chance (insert embarrassed face here).
I want a gummy army! Of course I would only use it for good, never for evil! Mouhahahahaha!
That would be manoeuvers dear.
Actually, your spelling is correct as well according to
And there is always a place in the gummy army. Recruitments will start soon.
recruit those little dutch licorice things. the enemy will flee in terror...for their taste buds!
also, you need to photoshop up some new pics, dearie! and maybe photoshop that one down to size. and don't you love it that 'photoshop' has now become a verb, much like 'google'? heehee, i said photoshop 3 times...wait, make that 4.
it's 3:30 am, and i'm not done the french yet...i'm totally fruit loops.
Yes perhaps the black licorice candies shall be our secret weapons. And I thought about photoshopping the picture but with the laziness and all...
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